Friday, March 7, 2025

Interview with Barbara Ireland Mojica


 How long have you been writing stories and what inspired

you to write the Little Miss History series?

As a history major, I authored academic papers for research, but I

did not start authoring stories until 2010. At that time, I began to

author brief stories focused on historical topics for a local news

magazine. I wanted to stay connected with children as I had been

involved with teaching and administration for more than forty

years. So, I decided to write history books for children. My

husband, who is an artist designed the cartoon character, Little

Miss HISTORY based on a younger version of myself.

 How long have you been an author and who encouraged

you to start?

I have been writing the Little Miss HISTORY Travels to….

nonfiction series since 2012. There are now sixteen titles as well

as a trilogy book based on the New York City titles and a Little

Miss HISTORY Coloring Book.

 What are the titles of your books?

In chronological order:







#childrensbooks #illustrated #BarbraIrelandMojica  #interview

Are you dreaming of publishing a book?

 Hi Everyone, 
For those of you who don't know me, I'm a multi-award-winning children's author of 8 books. I've decided to offer a coaching service for those of you who would like advice on how to approach publishing your book. Here are things I recommend you check before you publish your work:

1. Be sure you've had your book edited by an experienced editor. If you'd like a an excellent editor, I'd recommend Beth Kallman Werner. She is not only a successful author, but also the former director of Kiirkus Reviews.

2. Are you sure your book is appropriate for your target audience. For example, if you're writing a book for children, is the language suited for them? 

3. Does your book include illustrations? If you need an illustrator, I have an excellent one to recommend.

4. Is it a picture book and is it a good length for toddlers or beginning readers?

5. Have you read many children's books and studied how they're written? What did you like about them? What didn't appeal to you"

These are all things I feel you should consider. I'm happy to answer any questions.

Monday, February 3, 2025

What is the Secret to Success?


Do you know a child who loves horses and animals? These books  feature horses, sheep, even a cute hen named Hattie who loves wearing hats and planning parties! Not only that, but these books also encourage young readers to be kind, work hard, and set goals. When I speak to children, they often ask when I started writing and why I decided to become a children's author. The reason is because I want them to remember that it's important to have goals and dreams. That way, you have something to work toward. Write your goals down to make them visible to you. And never give up on them. If I did that, I'd have never become an equestrian champion. That was my childhood dream. Sure, lots of children are successful competitive riders. But my circumstances were different. Are you wondering why? Because I was born with cerebral palsy, which affects my legs. In fact, my parents were told I'd never walk. But they were undeterred. My Dad said he'd teach me to ride and I'd be fine. His positive attitude showed me that anything is possible if you persevere. I'd have never reached my goal without his guidance .

Did you know my Dad didn't want to teach me to jump? Are you wondering why? It's because he knew I'd fall off a lot. At first, Daddy didn't want to teach me. He reminded me I'd fall off a lot. But I told him I'd get up, because I always have. We had a deal and my part was not to complain about falling off, even though sometimes I fell two or three times a day! But perseverance is the key to success. If you're struggling to reach your goal, remember this; no one quits on a good day. But when the bad days come, tell yourself  if you give up, you'll fail to reach your objective.
 You can check them out on #BookMarketingGlobalNetwork And you'll find some enlightening essays on my website; #horses #animals #reading #books #children #equestrian #gifts #ValentinesDay #equestrian #horsebackriding

Friday, October 27, 2023

National Holidays Today: Black Cat Day, Bandana Day, Breaadsticks Day and Navy Day


Good morning everyone. Wishing you a fabulous Friday and a lovely weekend. Did you know it's National Breadstick Day? And Breadsticks are from Italy ?  The legentd goes that a young member of the aristocracy suffered from an intestnal disorder  His  mom made breadsticks for the little boy and he recovered nicely. 

There is also a mention that Napoleon loved breadsticks.  If you feel the same, be sure to enjoy them today. They can be enjoyed by themselves, or dipped.

copyright 2023 Deanie Humphrys-Dunne

Monday, October 23, 2023

Cocoa and Cream jumps to #1 in Children's audio books on Horses!

 I'm thrilled to announce that my new book, Cocoa and Cream-Remarkable Twin Ponies is #32 in  Children's Horse Books on Amazon. It's a multi-award-winning book.It recentlyearned 2 Firebird Awards from . It's available on Kindle and audio so be sure to check out the free sample.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

National Make a Dog's Day!

Do you have a pet dog who's the center of attention in your house? Maybe you should give your dog a special treat becuse today is Natinal Make Your Dog's Day! 

And if you are fond of your mother-in-law, let her know it's her day as well. Celebrate with her and let her know how much you appreciate her.

Have a fabulous day.

copyright Deanie Humphrys-Dunne

Oct. 22, 2023
