Thursday, November 12, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things.....

Yay for Friday! Time to celebrate again. Be sure to stop by to check out what everyone is cheering about. Here's what we're celebrating this week...

  • A got a special gift from one of our friends.
  • Starting to plan for Thanksgiving dinner with an extra guest-One of our sons is bringing his girlfriend to dinner. He found a special turkey recipe we'll try. Very nervous about that, but I watched the video so hopefully it will be fine.
  • In past weeks, I've shared some of the names of our cars. We had a car named Dora. Bet you know what kind she was!
  • Thank you to everyone who voted for my essay. Finalists will be announced Sunday.
copyright Deanie Humphrys-Dunne 2015


  1. A guest for Thanksgiving is always a cause to celebrate, especially if she is a son's girlfriend, whom he likes enough to wish to impress her with a special turkey recipe.

    ...I think I drove Dora's kid brother...

    Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Hi Diana,
      Maybe you did drive one of Dora's little brothers. Did he look like her? She was an Explorer. Happy weekend to you too!

  2. Have fun planning the Thanksgiving Dinner. I'm sure the new recipe will be a huge success. One of our daughter's just named our new car Rex because she says it looks a bit fierce! Good luck with the essay competition.

    1. Hi Susanne,
      The turkey recipe does sound good. It uses bacon on the top and you stuff the turkey with a carrot, celery, an apple and an orange.It'll definitely be something new if we end up trying it.
      Happy weekend and thanks for the good wishes.

  3. Good luck with your turkey recipe! Have a great weekend :)

    1. I'm looking forward to telling you about the turkey recipe, Laura. It's totally different than anything we've tried. Hope you're feeling fine again and enjoy the weekend.

  4. Thanksgiving ought to be fun. But until then, hope your weekend goes well.

  5. I"m sure ti will be fun M. R.R. Hope you enjoy the weekend as well.

  6. Hope all goes well with your Thanksgiving dinner! Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays because of the shared family time.
    Dora... ha, ha. I used to watch that show with my kids. I thought it was cute.
    Best of luck with your essay!

    1. Dora The Explorer is cute. I even watched her in Spanish once, trying to figure out what they said. I'll be sure to let you know about the turkey experience and the contest, if we have any news on that. Thanks for stopping by Lori! Happy weekend.

  7. I had no idea what Dora was but read the comments - an Explorer! Of course she was! I'm sure your Thanksgiving will be wonderful and I hope you make the finals of the competition! :)

    1. Thank you, Lexa. We thought Dora was the perfect name for our Explorer! Her name popped into our heads right away. :)
      Thank you for the good wishes on the contest. I'll be sure to let you know if we have news on that. Whatever happens, I'll be happy because I worked hard to make sure the essay showed my best effort. :) Happy weekend.
