Thursday, October 6, 2016

Celebrate the small things...

Hi everyone. As most of you may know, Fridays we celebrate anything we like. Special thanks to Lexa Cain and her blogging partners who host this blog.
Here's what we're celebrating this week:

  • I reviewed Barbara Ann Mojica's wonderful book, Little Miss History Travels to Mount Vernon. It's a really good, educational book about George Washington's life at his estate, Mount Vernon. The illustrations are spectacular, too. Children will adore it.

  • My sister, Holly, sent the first rough draft of an illustration for our children's book. Everyone in our family loved it. We can't wait till the book is done.
What are you celebrating this week?

copyright 2016: Deanie Humphrys-Dunne

Video by Chris Graham:

Video by Rhonda Patton:


  1. What a cute cover. Love the glasses.

    1. Yes, it is. I really loved the story and the illustrations are beautiful. Thank you for stopping by, Happy weekend, Tamara.

  2. I like kids' history books, and this looks like a good one. It sounds like your children's book is progressing well. Good luck with it! Have a great weekend!

  3. Thanks, Lori. Hope you have a nice weekend too.

  4. I think it's great you and your sister are working on a book together. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

    1. Thank you Suzanne. Holly and i have fun working together. Hope you're having a fun weekend too.

  5. I'm glad you enjoyed the book. I once toured Washington and loved seeing all the sites, incl Mt Vernon. So much amazing history, and it's great to bring it to life for children. Yay for everyone's loving your sister's illustration!

  6. Yes, I loved the book and thank you for the compliments on Wilbur's picture. He really is cute. We're looking forward to the day when he's ready to be released.
