I listened to the most incredible video starring Scott Hamilton. If you're a figure skating fan like me, you already know he's not only an amazing figure skater, but also an extraordinary person. Why do I say that? Scott has faced many daunting challenges in his life. He's met them head on and overcome every one of them.
Scott was first diagnosed with cancer in 1997. He overcame that, but seven years later he developed a benign brain tumor. Again, he was cured. But now it "wanted an encore" in Scott's words, for the third time. He said it's important for us to realize we're going to fall. I read he fell five times during his first competition. His mom told him not to worry because, after all, it was only his first competitive event. She reminded him next time he'd surely do better. Guess what? He did. He's an Olympic champion.
Scott says we all have choices. He "chooses to celebrate life." He also sets the stage for how his family will react to the news. His oldest son asked,' Is your tumor back?" Scott replied, "Yeah it is." He kept positive and as cheerful as possible when relaying the news to his son. No doubt his son and siblings truly believe he'll prevail once again.
You may know I grew up riding horses. My single passion was to become a champion horseback rider. Many people thought it impossible to beat the odds and reach this goal. But my dad and I set out to prove the doubters wrong. You may read about this journey in my award-winning true story, "Tails of Sweetbrier."
Scott Hamilton has remarkable wisdom. He said we all should realize part of life involves falling down and getting up. The most important part is getting up and what happens next. If you get up, brush yourself off, and start again, you'll learn and grow. You'll be inching closer to victory. You can reach your goals. Remember Scott Hamilton's wonderful advice next time you face a challenge.

copyright 2016: Deanie Humphrys-Dunne
logo by Rhonda Patton
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