“The Ruffington Dog Show” is an adorable tale about Oodle, a beautiful, prize -winning poodle. Oodle looked lovely in every way. She was groomed to perfection for the Ruffington Dog Show. Her coat looked exquisite and she wore a pretty pink bow for the big event. At first, things had gone perfectly for Oodle and she felt confident she’d win another gold cup. But she didn’t notice a wad of gooey pink bubble gum while she was parading about and she stepped into it! Oodles was secretly smitten with Bauzer the Schnauzer. She hoped he’d notice her. Did he come to her rescue? What happened next? Did it matter that Oodle wasn’t the winner that day? What happened that made Oodle feel more blessed than ever before?
I recommend this tale and I believe children will adore it and want to read it again and again.In addition to the story, children are sure to enjoy the enchanting illustrations.
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