"Today I have the tremendous honor of welcoming the gifted author, Steve K. Smy.
"Thank you so much for spending time with me today, Steve. I can't tell you how excited I have to be chatting with you today about your wonderful collection of books!"
"Thank you for inviting me, Deanie. I'm pleased to be here."
Please tell me how and when you began writing, Steve.
It was way, way back.
We’d just discovered that cave walls weren’t very portable… er, no,
that’s the wrong story! I’d been an avid
reader for around 10 years or so, utterly besotted with how simply stringing
words together created so many different things. By 13, I was experimenting with something
longer than the normal pieces of writing
for school. I also hated school, so if I
could write about things I wanted to
write about, then I’d be in a kind of double heaven. That’s when I wrote my first novel. Nothing astounding, of course, but when you’d
only written a few paragraphs before, it seemed incredible. More, it gave me a heck of a buzz! The discovery of the writer within me was the
best thing about 1970!
What are the titles of your books and what genre are
Oh now, there’s rather a lot! On both counts. There are the short stories, each of which I
released as a free ebook. The first was
a science-fantasy for young people to adults, called Skylord. Next to come along
was a science fiction tale, pure space opera,
called To Sail The Dark Sea, which has since become one
tale in a series, The Captain Henri
Duschelle Stories, which continued in the two novelettes For the Sake of Mercy and The Ossilan Affair. I then had a bit of a play outside my usual
genres , writing the short story In
Night’s Shadows, which was a slightly different look at a popular horror
motif. I pursued experimentation with
combining fantasy, an old favourite, with a hint of romance, to write The Seelie Heiress, which is definitely
for adults. Having written that, I was
puled back to fantasy and proceeded to write a series of fantasy short stories,
in the Thief series.
As this fantasy series tailed away, two new directions
begged to be pursued! That was when the
sci fi novelettes came into being.
Meanwhile, a new adventure was underway, plunging into mixed genre but
based on horror – a genre I had little taste for, most of the time! That was when the series that has kind of
overtaken my life was born: G1: The
Guardians. Now at two novelettes, a
novella and a WIP that’s likely to be a full novel, to the count so far.
How did you get the ideas for your books?
Ideas come from all directions and are so random they
hint at a certain lack of sanity! There
are times when there’s no obvious trigger, while I might see a pattern that
suggests something unrelated to it.
There’s absolutely no controlling the flow LOL!
Are you working on a new book now? If so, please tell
me a bit about it.
What are some of the ingredients for an exceptional
I’ve almost finished a new book, which will be the
fourth, and longest, tale in the G1; The
Guardians series. As would be
expected, many characters are met in earlier stories, but more of them now take
on greater depth. In other words, we’re
really getting to know them. The story
is also more complex, with more twists and turns than the others, with more
action. This does mean more violence, but it’s no more than is consistent with
the story. There are, I hope some
surprises in store for the reader.
I’m not convinced that I’m qualified to answer the
second part of this. For me, it depends
on the length of the story and what the core of it is. For instance, writing deep characters and
detailed descriptions can simply
waste the space available in a short story.
Then, I’ve read lengthy novels of great worth with very little more in
the way of character development. I
guess, it comes down to the essence of the story. Get that right, and you have some hope of
getting an exceptional story, even if you don’t go beyond just telling a good
story in every other respect. I have, of
course, come across some genius ideas, but the rest has been abysmal, with no
real effort to do any more than patch together the brilliant with worse than
mediocre storytelling. Ultimately,
though, it’s not the author who decides – or the critic. It’s the reader! Only the reader can say if a story is truly
What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
A frequently asked question, with far too many
answers. First on my list – never use the word ‘aspiring’ about
yourself! You’re either a writer or
you’re not. There isn’t a middle
ground. Too many people think it’s only
about being published. It isn’t. In fact, publication is simply a consequence
that may, or may not, happen as a result of your writing. Second – listen to, read, or otherwise absorb
advice and then do only what you want
to do and reject the rest. It’s not
about advice being right or wrong – only about it being right or wrong in your case. Third, and last – if you don’t enjoy it,
you’re doing it wrong! Have you tried to
do what others insist you must
do? Do you have to write furtively,
because of the disapproval or mockery of those around you? Were you told, by a teacher, a reviewer, a
critic, or some other person that you were not
a writer? Chuck everything that you’ve
been told away, tell the idiots to find some other planet to live on, and just
write. Write as you did when you first
fell in love with it! Fourth – and yes,
I know I said third was last LOL – write, write, write and, when you have a few
spare moments, write. It’s what you want
to do, and it’s the only way to exercise – believe me, going to a gym will not improve your writing! Nor, in fact, will attending every creative
writing class you can find. Everything
that takes up your time is the enemy of your writing. Prioritise: family, food and drink, writing
and, when time permits, sleep.
"My pleasure, Deanie"
Imagineer-ing (links to
obtain all works on there!)
Author Page: amazon.com/author/steveksmy
Short Story eBooks:
Novelette eBooks:
Shade of Evil (Smashwords, also available from all Amazon sites)
Novelettes in Paperback:
For the Sake of Mercy (skoobebooks Book Store only)
The Ossilan Affair (skoobebooks Book Store only)
Shade of Evil (FeedARead only)
Wonderful interview Deanie! I'm no longer an aspiring writer. lol!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Carla. Steve did a great job with this interview! He deserves all the credit. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you're having fun this weekend.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this opportunity, Deanie! I'm deeply honoured :)
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely the one with the honor, Steve! I'm so excited that you agreed to spend some time with me so we could chat about your books! D Wishing you happiness and success always,