Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Fifty States of Pray..

It's my honor to write my first post of Mark Koopman's Fifty States of Pray. It's a great idea to share memories, prayers, or whatever you choose to promote goodwill around the world. check out MarkKoopmans.blogspot.com.
Christmas is a time for charity and to give thanks for the blessings you enjoy all year. I think it's important to appreciate everything you are given in life, however insignificant it may seem. When my sisters and I were small,we learned a special prayer to help us be grateful. Here it is:
"Teach me Father when I pray, not to ask for more
But rather let me give my thanks for what is at my door,
For food and drink, for gentle rains, for sunny skies above,
For home and friends for peace and joy, 
But most of all for love."
If you take time to reflect on the message conveyed by this prayer, you'll be a more cheerful person and your joy will be contagious. That will help make your part of the world a contented place. May the peace and joy of Christmas remain with you all through the New Year.


  1. Hi, Deanie. What a beautiful prayer. I'm going to share it with my family. Merry Christmas!

  2. Thank you, Susanne, I'm so excited that you're going to share it. We taught it to our boys when they were little so it's special to us.
    Merry Christmas and thanks for stopping by!

  3. A simple, yet beautiful and powerful prayer.
    Thanks for sharing Deanie.
    Have a blessed and peaceful Christmas.
    Writer In Transit

    1. Thank you, Michelle. So kind of you to stop by and comment.
      Wishing you a wonderful, blessed, Christmas as well.

  4. Simple and meaningful. Have a Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Wishing you a blessed Christmas and New Year as well.

  5. That is a lovely prayer! Merry Christmas, Deanie!

  6. Thank you Sherry. It always helps us remember to be thankful for all kinds of things. We used to grumble if we weren't terribly fond of the dinner menu (Liver, for example). Or when we weren't allowed to dash out for the latest fashions, so our parents made sure we appreciated what we were given. D Thank you for stopping by and Merry Christmas to you as well!

  7. How beautiful! Loved the prayer, Deanie. Have a wonderful Christmas ;)

    1. You too, Katherine. I'm sure it will be an exciting day for you and the little ones. Hope it's extra special.

  8. Aloha Deanie,

    Yes, thank you so much for the prayer! Our boys are 6, 4 and 2, so this will be something we can easily teach them - and hopefully it will be a life lesson :)

    Merry Christmas to you and yours - and have a very Happy New Year :)

  9. I'm honored to share the prayer, Mark. I hope your little boys enjoy learning it and thank you for stopping by with your lovely comment. Wishing your the best Christmas and New Year ever!

  10. Your parents were wise to teach you this prayer. Keeps us track....thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas!

  11. Merry Christmas to you as well, Sharon. I agree this prayer is very good for keeping us focused on the important stuff. Thanks for visiting.

  12. Definitely a fulfilling prayer! God, I think, is enthused with big dreams as well. :) Writer’s Mark

  13. Thanks, Nancy, I agree that I imagine God has very special dreams for each of us and He helps us realize them.

  14. Hi Deanie :) I love that prayer - so simple but all-encompassing :)
    Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

    1. Thank you, Suzanne and it's nice to meet you.The prayer is perfect for children because they understand it and also helpful for adults, just to remind them of what's really important in life.Thank you so much for stopping by to comment.

  15. Beautiful prayer! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. :-)

    1. Thank you for visiting, Misha! So nice to meet you and thank you for the compliment on the prayer. It is a special one, I think.
      Our Christmas was lovely and I hope yours was as well,

  16. Beautiful! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  17. Thank ;you, M. J. I hope that you had a spectacular Christmas! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Wishing you a lovely weekend and happy New Year!

  18. Thanks for sharing this simple prayer. Gratitude for what we have and what is goes a long way to getting us through every day, all times of the year.

  19. Nice to meet you, Elizabeth. Thank you so much for stopping by. I'm pleased that you enjoyed the prayer.
