Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Five fun facts about Charlene the Star

Hi Everyone,
Today we'll talk about my book, Charlene the Star. It's children's fiction, told by Charlene the Star herself. Who is Charlene the Star? She's a beautiful, talented horse who doesn't fit in with her friends.
Here are 5 fun facts about the story:

  • Fact 1: One of the main characters of the story is Charlene's friend, Elliott, the dog. Elliott was our family pet. We rescued him from the pound and we had the honor of having him as part of our family for over 13 years. We miss him every day. We tried to capture his personality in the book.
  • Fact 2: Charlene was beautiful, with her glossy red coat. But she didn't fit in with her friends. Why not? Because her friends loved racing and Charlene thought it was a big bore.
  • Fact 3: Charlene had to show her trainers she didn't like racing. How did she do that? She yawned and found a way to have her own tantrums on the race track.
  • Charlene tells the story herself. Readers will giggle at her amusing thoughts and actions. They'll love the beautiful illustrations by my sister, Holly Humphrys-Bajaj.
  • Fact 4: How did I get the idea for Charlene the Star's story? I thought about all the children who feel like they don't fit in with their friends and wanted to write something entertaining, that they'd understand.
Charlene the Star and Mama
Illustration by Holly Humphrys-Bajaj

I hope you've enjoyed a glimpse inside Charlene the Star's story.  If you'd like to find out more, please visit my website:  www.childrensbookswithlifelessons.com/

copyright 2018: Deanie Humphrys-Dunne


  1. Deanie, I love your sister's illustrations. Fact 4 hits home on every level with children.

  2. Thank you, Cathrina. My sister is an amazing talent.
