Thursday, December 10, 2015

We Can Ride: Victory for Chris

Chris enjoying his horse
picture credit: Brad Willette,
Do you love children’s books with happy endings? Do you love children’s books with surprises most everywhere? I do. My first book, Tails of Sweetbrier is full of surprises and challenges to overcome. This children’s book is an autobiography and you’ll see that my personal journey is similar to Chris’s.
Chris was born with cerebral palsy. He entered the world eight weeks early, weighing only 3.1 pounds! Clearly, he had to fight for his life from the beginning. Chris has one leg shorter than the other. Chris had other obstacles to overcome as well. He had left-side weakness and issues with posture. When Chris was around eight years old, his Mom, Linda, heard about a great organization called We Can Ride. Chris began riding in the We Can Ride program and wonderful things happened!  His Mom noticed improvements in strength, muscle control, and posture. Amazing, isn’t it?
“Even with all the physical challenges, Linda and Chris will both tell you that anxiety is his biggest obstacle. When his anxiety kicks in, it is hard to control. “The riding program has given him a place to feel safe and do things that make him feel accomplished,” Linda explained. “He feels like he can have goals, even though they might be scary.” Being around the horses has had a calming effect on Chris. In fact, he recently mentioned that it was too bad his pal, Buddy, couldn’t accompany him to his dental surgery!"
Riding in the program offered by We Can Ride has helped Chris in many different areas. Even with his confidence. His Mom adds, ” As much as it (riding) has helped him physically, it has helped him with anxiety and sense of self-worth even more.”
Whatever your dreams are, I’d encourage you to follow them. You never know what can be done until you try. That’s advice from my Dad, and it’s served me well. If you love writing children’s books to encourage others, go for it! Never let your fears win the battle and stop you from realizing your dreams. Imagine what Chris would have missed if his Mom hadn’t enrolled him with We Can Ride! In the Season of Giving, isn’t it wonderful to be grateful for our blessings? No doubt Chris and I are.
To find out more about the We Can Ride program:
r donation is fully deductible to the extent of the law.
Horses Helping PeopleDiscover Their Abilities
PO Box 1102, Minnetonka MN 55345 952.934.0057ox 102, r donation is fully deductible to the extent of the law.
PO N 55345 952.934.0057
N 55345 952.934.
Chris and his horse. Don't they make a great team?
picture credit: Brad Willette,

copyright 2015: Deanie Humphrys-Dunne

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