Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Overcoming fear and reaching your goals


                                                                  Photo by Bob Moseder 

If you follow my blog, you may know I had a big dream when I was a child. What was it? I wanted to be an equestrian champion. You might be wondering what's so hard about that? Or, thinking it's not a big deal. Anyone can do that. True, in most cases. But what if you have a disability like I do?  What if doctors told your parents you'd never walk?  Fortunately, my Dad was a warrior who never accepted anything he thought he could change. I still rememember him picking me up in the doctor's office and telling me not to worry because he'd teach me to ride and I'd be fine.Daddy and I began our journey to prove the doctor wrong.

We had plenty of bad days along the way. Whenever my legs got tired, I slid off my pony, even in the beginning when Daddy led me on my pony. After a while I could ride my pony, Little Man myself. But he was a fuzzy, cute rascal. He got bored and he'd lie down with me still on him! Finally, I noticed he walked slower and slower before he'd lie down so I gave him a little kick with my heels to make him keep walking.

After that, I learned cantering,which was a bit more complicated because I had to learn to sit and follow the pony's motion, instead of bouncing around.

If you want to be an equestrian champion, you need to learn to jump. After I'd been riding for six years,  I asked Daddy if I could learn to jump. At first, he resisted. But I reminded him that he and Mom always told me I could do anything, but certain things would take longer. He agreed to teach me and after another six  years I started jumping in shows! Of course, in the begining I didn't do very well, but after a few more years of practice, Daddy bought be an amazing, beautiful, black thoroughbred named Fleet Nancy. She was a superstar. We developed a special relationship. But most of all, she loved jumping. And when you have fun doing something it doesn't feel like work. Peach and I became a good team and we won many championships together.  Our story proves if you perservere, you can do much more than you think. I hope this story inspires children to try new things and not to be discouraged if they have obstacles to overcome. Dream big and work hard until you reach your goals.

                                                  Photographer unknown

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