Having participated in horse shows as a child, I was immediately drawn into Deanie Humphrys-Dunne’s book Tails of Sweetbrier. The story details the challenges and excitement of horse showing for those who have done it and defines the horse terms for those who have not. Ultimately, however, Sweetbrier is not a story about horseshows or horses, but about facing the challenges that life brings us.
The author reveals her own personal battle with a physical handicap and her endless determination to succeed in her personal endeavors. In Sweetbrier the reader spends time with Deanie as she falls and falls…but never refers to her falls as “fails”. She just brushes herself off and tries again with the endless support of her father.
The family motto was “The Humphrys don’t give up.” Daddy would pick me up,
give me a kiss, put me back on and start again.
Later in the story, Deanie faces surgery, but again she meets the challenge with a positive and determined mindset:
I’ll be able to ride better than ever. I’ll be able to walk more like other
people…The doctor said I would be in the hospital for two weeks.
My goal was to come home in ten days.
Tails of Sweetbrier leads the reader through the challenges of having a physical handicap, solutions, recovery and determination in a positive way. While Deanie loves to win ribbons at her shows, it is clear that her biggest wins are her positive attitude and strength of character. Deanie tells the reader to keep trying and to meet every trial that life presents head on. A positive life-lesson story for children ages 8-12.
Learn more about Deanie Humphrys-Dunne and her books at:www.childrensbookswithlifelessons.com.
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