Tuesday, May 30, 2023

What are some National Holidays today?


Hi everyone, I hope you're enjoying your day. Today, I'll share some of the national holidays celebrated on this day.

Did you know it's E-Bike Day? 

I had no idea these interesting bikes have been around since 1895.They were invented by Ogden Bolton, Jr. Today, they're very popular because they're reasonably priced and anyone can ride them. Over 3000 of them have been bought since 2019.

National Mint Julip Day:

Mint Julips are popular on Kentucky Derby Day, even though they often cost $1,000 each, when the money is donated to charity. Usually, Mint Julips are made with bourbon, sugar and mint and ice. What if you don't like some of these ingredients? You can order a cherry-lime one, a watermelon one, or a blackberry julip. How do some people celebrate Derby Day? They may have a costume party where ladies dress elegantly with big hats. Or you may hire an experienced bartender and ask friends to bring a bottle of lesser-known liquor to make drinks.  Many people believe that Mint Julips were first created in Virginia, where the drinks were called a "spiritous liquor."

National Hug Your Cat Day:

Although cat owners, hug their cats regularly, this is a day when you can give your kitty extra attention. Maybe even buy it a gift.

I hope you enjoyed this post.



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